Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Controling Snack Costs

Have you ever finished a complete meal and found yourself looking in the refrigerator an hour later? Then you are like most of us. We all love to snack. Snacking just for the sake of snacking can become expensive. Here are a few ways to cut down on the cost of keeping the hunger in you, in control.

[1] Plan Ahead

When you are grocery shopping buy large bags of chips, carrots, celery and other items you know you like snacking on. Then when you get home, transfer those items to small containers. You get more servings from the final cost than buying individual sizes.

[2] Buy Generic

Have you tried the store or generic brands of your favorite snack items? If not, it's time to do so. In most cases you get the same item for less money. Just make sure you buy the small size and try the item before buying the family size.

[3] Give Dry Cereal a Try

I love eating dry cereal as a snack while watching my favorite TV shows. I can eat Puffed Wheat, Cheerios or Shredded Wheat instead of the high calorie deserts and still be munchie satisfied.

As with most expenses it's in the planning and keeping control of what we spend that gives us the most for our money.

Happy Snacking,

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