Monday, April 12, 2010

Laundry Day Tips

[1] When sorting your dirty laundry, not only sort by colors and whites, but by weight. You will want to keep your like weight, [jeans, towels], [summer tops, shorts], in the same wash load. Not only is it more effective when washing but when drying. Adding light weights and heavies at the same time will damage your light weight item with over drying, thus causing the extra expense of replacing the garment sooner.

[2] Know the size of your machine and fill it full but do not over fill. If you have to weight your laundry basket until you can guess how many clothes it takes to make 20 pounds or what ever size your machine holds, then do so. In the end it will help with water, soap and electricity waste.

[3] Two simple pantry products will help make laundry day easier. Adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to your laundry will boost the cleaning power of your detergent and help with odors. Add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to your rinse cycle and you'll have no need of dryer sheets as it takes the static cling from your clothes.

[4] Washing your clothes in cold water will save money on your water heating bill. Most detergents are made to work in both hot or cold water.

1 comment:

  1. Great laundry tips!

    I have never thought of comparing the weight of what I'm washing. I usually only think of color.

    And I just read about using that vinegar/baking soda combo to clean the toilet, too. I'll have to give it a try.

